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Bouncing rev limiter
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
...just an idea...

Is is posible to get "bouncing" rev limiter like in real car. In LFS revs just "stay" at limit. IRL my rev bounce at the end and you get that "cutting" sound (hard to describe) =)

Dont know if it was allrealy posted...
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
...just an idea...

Is is posible to get "bouncing" rev limiter like in real car. In LFS revs just "stay" at limit. In real car my rev bounce at the end....

Dont know if it was allrealy posted...
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Observe first race or two to see the braking points, how the track is..., that join the game and let all go bye, drive half lap slowly so others can go further that try to drive as good as you can...
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
U can use Spoon skins in the maentime (they rock). Contact me on MSN
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
I choose first option, because i learn tracks (and cars) by hotlaping.

I have also seen people drive WR online (clean laps) and made a hotlap after that (5-10 min gap illepall), and it was posted. It took him 4 laps online to beat WR (my expiriance with "Alles").
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Hope you find some gaming club, so we can again play together.

Good luck m8

People help him
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Woww, this movie makes you wanna go drive XRT sideways. Ql movie
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Commentary was "real-time" during the race, so respect guys for organizing it all. It takes a lot of work.

And Sarin did a superb job in putting it all together. Cant wait till your next movie m8
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Yep, good races. Tnx for inviting me SERT!!
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Tnx for explaining
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
OK, Handicap, what about points, what do they stand for? Number od HLs driven?
Main Nations Hotlap Rank
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed

I was just wondering how that "thing" works. It shows Country and points. I have 8 HLs driven (that are on MHR) and Nations Figure stays the same :S

Can someone explain? I have asked some people, nobody knows.

ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Racing Team Slovenia


Name sais it all. Team exists since S1 days. Members are all Slovenian, other Slovenian Racers also welcome to join the team. Always in for some good fun.

[RTS] Polde
[RTS] Kore
[RTS] Ru7
[RTS] Gasper
[RTS] Clement
[RTS] Timmy
[RTS] TheDoctor
[RTS] Grega
[RTS] KlemeN
[RTS] Jannyy
[RTS] YoN 1864
[RTS] Scared
[RTS] HighRoad
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Well, for start try to reverse (left -> right) camber and tire pressure (if its not simetric). If setup is totaly simetric is should be fine.

Depending on the track Final drive can be changed also.
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
I mostly agree about demo servers. Thing are normaly better if you join Team Servers.

Its sad, but mostly only one "idiot" per server is enough to spoil the fun. i still race demo servers (i love GTI) but i pick Team Servers --> no crashers (99,9% of time and mostly guys are fast (GTI in 1.33s)
Sorting Replays
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
I just have a question.

I now have a many replays (since on S2) so if it would be possible to sort it (by track, by car), so if you are searching for it, it is easyer to find.

Sorry if that is just me, please post comment.

Hope its not much work

Tnx, bye
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
I did the same thing. I had a goal to go "benchmark" times on all three cars before buying S2. "Goal" was made a few days ago, so now, im posting the first time as a S2 licenced . Rox, see yaa on the track.

Before i end, watch some replays (not WR, try someone who has the time you wish to drive). Watch braking points, how much is he turning the wheel, lines,... Use F2 and F3 (fast forward,...) and just study one corner after another. Just try to go the same speed thrue corners, try to copy the lines.

I still think much can be learned by playing online.

Hope your times improve, bye.

ru7 [SLO]
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
I agree, use the PartyboyU latest set! It just rocks.

Download the replay and watch the braking points (you will need to adjust it to your style of driving), also try to minimaze wheel turning (turn as little as possible) and most important --> dont give up

Im playing a little over a month now and i got to 1.33.77 (PB) and still droping slowly.

GTI is so fun to me that after purchasing the game, i will probably still drive it the most.

Bye (and sorry for my English)
ru7 [SLO]
S2 licensed
Hi, im also "new" (a month) to LFS. Im from Slovenia, still on demo for now, hope to go S2 soon.

This game can get you addicted. Hope to see you on the track.